ISSN 1857-0763


Biannual Journal of Applied Linguistics


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Volume 2(V)2014

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Volume Contents:

Lilia Trinca, Psycholinguistic Strategies in Language Teaching, pp. 7-16.

Abdullah Sarani, Saieed Moslemi Nezhad Arani, Learners’ Motivation and Attitude in Video-Based Listening Comprehension Classes. The case study of Iranian Pre-Intermediate EFL Learners, pp. 17-24.

Ecaterina Niculcea, Erzieherische Tendenzen im Schaffen von Karl May. Das Phänomen „Karl May“, S. 25-37.

Daniela Maria Marţole, Les provocations lexicales dans les traductions roumaines du drame «Macbeth», pp. 38-46.

Marina Tunitska, L’approche par compétences dans l’enseignement de la langue ukrainienne en VIIe classe (le thème «L’adverbe»), pp. 47-54.

Notes on Contributors, p. 55.

Volume 1(V)2014

Volume Cover

Volume Full Text

Volume Contents:

Svitlana Luparenko, Children’s Word Creation and Speech Development, pp. 6-10.

Micaela Ţaulean, On Cultural Identity and Language Development at EFL Classes, pp. 11-20.

Angela Coşciug, De la phonétique française à sa didacticité aux apprenants roumains: cas de la méthode dite progressive, pp. 21-39.

Tatiana Kononova, Zur Effektivität der Texterschließung durch Lesestrategien im DaF-Unterricht, S. 40-53.

Lamia Boukhannouche, Modéliser à l’écrit en contexte universitaire, pp. 54-58.

Notes on Contributors, p. 59.

Volume 2(IV)2013

Volume Cover

Volume Full Text

Volume Contents:

Luiza Şoşu, Moulding a Competitive Student in the Light of E. Coseriu's Deontology, pp. 7-20.

Deborah Anyika, Le modelage d’une approche basée sur la tâche pour l’enseignement du français fondé sur les TIC dans deux universités aux pays anglophones de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, pp. 21-33.

Tatiana Kononova, Zur Interkulturalität im deutschen Sprachbereich auf der lexikalischen Ebene (an Hand publizistischer Texte), S. 34-44.

Lamia Boukhannouche, L’enseignement du FOU en contexte vétérinaire, pp. 45-52.

Stella Gorbani, Developing Specific Competences Using the Poetry of Robert Frost, pp. 53-62.

Notes on Contributors, p. 63.

Volume 1(IV)2013

Volume Cover

Volume Full Text

Volume Contents:

Irina Postolachi-Josan, Les approches théâtrales dans l’enseignement et l'apprentissage du FLE, pp. 9-21.

Deborah Ifeoma Anyika, Les typologies des usages des TIC par les enseignants et les apprenants de français des établissements universitaires en Afrique de l'Ouest, pp. 22-37.

Марина Туницька, Вивчення послідовного і паралельного зв’язків речень у тексті, c. 38-42.

Marina Moraru, Natura comună a artelor, p. 43-53.

Татьяна Котылевская, Жизнь и деятельность бесcарабского педагога и лингвиста Якоба Хынку (Гинкулова), c. 54-68.

Notes on Contributors, p. 69.

Volume 2(III)2012

Volume Cover

Volume Full Text

Volume Contents:

Volume Presentation, p. 9.

Alina M. Zapalska, Alexander Waid, Learning Business Spanish with the Use of a Collaborative Exercise, pp. 11-25.

Grigore Cantemir, Mariana Vovc, Aspecte ale valorificării inteligenţelor multiple la orele de limba şi literatura română, pp. 25-43.

Marina Teterina, Discourse Analysis of the Pragmatic Usage of the Pronoun “she” referring to a Cat, pp. 43-58.

Irina Sitailo, Micaela Ţaulean, Education and Language Teaching through Video, pp. 58-65.

Ina Surujiu, Ana Şcărăbnaia, Teaching the English Modal Verbs in School, pp. 65-79.

Alina Guga-Cotea, The Evaluation Process in Education, pp. 79-82.

Oxana Ungur, Life is to be Lived, pp. 82-88.

Марина Туницька, Рецензія на підручник «Українська мова і літературне читання» для 3 класу (К. С. Кожухар, А. І. Нікітченко, А. О. Люшнівська) за редакцією доктора педагогіки К.С. Кожухар, c. 88-93.

Notes on contributors, p. 93.

Volume 1(III)2012

Volume Cover

Volume Full Text

Volume Contents:

Volume Presentation, p. 9.

Grigore Cantemir, Svetlana Timciuc, Formarea competenţei de cercetare la liceeni, p. 10-36.

Lamia Boukhannouche, Le français sur objectif universitaire, pp. 36-50.

Татьяна Земцова, Штефан Марджелла – просветитель, лингвист и педагог Бессарабии первой половины ХІХ-го века (1783–5.03.1850), c. 50-61.

Ina Surujiu, Edward de Bono’s Method in Teaching Reading, pp. 61-70.

Viorica Popa, Formarea şi dezvoltarea competenţelor lingvistice prin elemente de dialectologie, p. 70-84.

Mirela Dragoi, L'audio-visuel, un precieux instrument de decouverte du texte hugolien «Notre-Dame de Paris», pp. 84-90.

Notes on Contributors, p. 91.

Volume 2(II)2011

Volume Cover

Volume Full Text

Volume Contents:

Volume Presentation, p. 11.

François Boroba N’Douba, Réflexions à propos des différences de personnalité inter-sexes, pp. 13-27.

Микаэла Цаулян, О межкультурном профессиональном общении на иностранном языке в сфере экономики (методологический аспект), c. 27-32.

Grigore Cantemir, Svetlana Timciuc, Dezvoltarea şi stimularea potenţialului creativ al elevilor la lecţiile de limba şi literatura română, p. 32-51.

Ion Guţu, Approches méthodologiques des problèmes historiques du français: les phénomènes mixtes de l’évolution phonétique, pp. 51-60.

Diana Cioinac-Şipilov, Ana Şipilov, Angela Coşciug, Développement des compétences et performances communicatives et actionnelles chez les apprenants du FLE (surtout à travers les TIC(E)), pp. 60-80.

Инна Суружиу, Применение техник кооперативного обучения на уроках чтения, c. 80-90.

Лилия Беженару, Концепция обучения иностранной терминологии с учетом профессиональной ориентации высшего учебного заведения, c. 90-105.

Viorica Cornea, Quelle grammaire enseigner pour former chez les étudiants la compétence d’expression orale?, pp. 105-111.

Marina Gorodenco, Tehnici de predare a articulării sunetelor compuse ale limbii engleze, p. 111-122.

Lina Moroşan, Lidia Popov, Octavian Cozniuc, Angela Coşciug, Les technologies d’information et de communication - un support efficace dans l’apprentissage de la langue française, pp. 122-130.

Oxana Ungur, On Cultural Diversity in EFL Classes, pp. 130-138.

Notes for Contributors, p. 143-144.

Volume 1(II)2011

Volume Cover

Volume Full Text

Volume Contents:

Presentation, p. 9.

MarinaTuniţchi, The Peculiarities of Teaching Ukrainian in Primary Schools in the Republic of Moldova (on the basis of the analysis of curricula and suport materials), pp. 11-16.

Angela Coşciug, Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Teaching and Learning French to the Second Year Pupils in Republic of Moldova, pp. 17-20.

Natalia Botezat, Educational Psychology vs Didactics, pp. 21-29.

Irina Sitailo, Developing Cultural Values through Extra-Curricular activities at all Levels, pp. 30-37.

Stella Gorbani, Roxolana Galiţ, Ways of Teaching Irregular Verbs at the Lesson of English, pp. 38-44.

Ecaterina Niculcea, Didactic Projet of the Seminar «Literary Works and their Screen Versions, pp. 45-62.

Notes for Contributors, p. 63.

Volume 2(I)2010

Volume Cover

Volume Full Text

Volume Contents:

Hagar Khalil-Akil, The Contribution of Tutoring and the Learning Role in a Variety of Internet-based Assignments: Display of the Research Results Conducted in the Field in Egypt to Improve the Acquisition of French as a Second Language by Egyption Speakers of Arabic – a Research-action Stage, pp. 10-26.

Sohel Ahmed Chowdhury, Sawsan Tarannum, Speaking Skills: Teaching and Learning, pp. 27-34.

Grigore Cantemir, Mariana Vovc, New Active Strategies in Developing Pupils’ Communicative Skills, pp. 35-47.

Angela Coşciug, Felicia Lupaşcu, The Use of Internet in Training Novice Translators from French into Romanian, pp. 48-54.

Ivan Smirnov, Vitalie Prisacaru, Linguistic and Didactic Studies of French Lexical Borrowings in Romanian, pp. 55-68.

Lidia Ciolacu, CITs in Teaching Foreign Languages, pp. 69-75.

Notes on Contributors, pp. 76-77.

New Books, p. 78.

Volume 1(I)2010

Volume Cover

Volume Full Text

Volume Contents:

Hagar Khalil-Akil, Internet et l’approche par taches: quel apport pour l’acquisition d’une langue seconde ou étrangere (L2)?, pp. 9-18.

Svetlana Timciuc, Grigore Cantemir, Tradiţie şi performanţă în procesul de îmbogăţire şi activizare a lexicului elevilor din clasele de gimnaziu, p. 19-31.

Micaela Ţaulean, On Foreign Language Teaching with Intercultural Perspective, pp. 32-36.

Angela Coşciug, Grigore Cantemir, Internet à l’usage des enseignants et des apprenants du FLE de la République de Moldova, p. 37-41.

Екатерина Никулча, Методическая разработка семинара «Взаимодействие художественного вымысла и действительности» (курс «Всемирная литература»), c. 42-60.

Notes on Contributors, p. 61.

New Books, p. 62.

Reviews, p. 64.

Announcements, p. 66.

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