ISSN: 1857-4149 |
Speech and Context |
International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science |
Publication Policies and Procedures
Author Copyright AgreementLicense to Publish In order to publish materials in our journal we need the author's (and all co-authors) agreement. By submitting materials to our journal, the author and all co-authors agree to the terms of this license. They do not need to fill out a copyright form for confirmation. By submitting materials to our journal the author and all co-authors grant us the exclusive right to both reproduce and distribute their material (including the abstract) throughout the world in electronic and printed medium, and to authorize others (including International Databases, and other document distributors) to do the same. The authors and all co-authors agree that we may publish and distribute their materials. By submitting their materials for publication in our journal, the authors and all co-authors promise that:
The journal editors and reviewers promise to respect the authors (and all co-authors) rights as the authors and co-authors. We will make sure that the authors and all coauthors names are always clearly associated with the materials suggested for publication in our journal. We will not make any substantial alterations to the materials without consulting the authors and all co-authors. By submitting a material for publication in our journal the authors confirm that all co-authors have seen and approved the validity of the contents and approve the materials submission. The journal editorial board and publisher cannot be held responsible for any incomplete or incorrect manuscript submitted by the author(s). No authors will be added or removed post submission, unless the authors and all co-authors are informed and are in agreement to this change. The authors and all co-authors retain the right to use their own material published in our journal in the following ways: acknowledgement of the published original must be made in standard bibliographic citation form, inserting the DOI number of the published material.
Journal Privacy Policy Speech and Context Journal Editorial Board recognizes the importance of protecting the information collected from the authors of articles, reviews etc. and takes reasonable steps to maintain the security, integrity and privacy of any information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. By submitting your information to the journal Editorial Board and its website you consent to the practices described herein. We will seek to ensure that any identifiable personal information it collects during the Calls for papers will be adequate, relevant and not excessive for purposes of operating the journal volumes and website, and it will be kept accurate and up-to-date based on information provided. We will protect the author rights, the rights, property or safety of our website and its content. Personal information and any other communications or information supplied to us may be used for internal business and research purposes and to develop our products and our website. Please note that this Privacy Policy will be reviewed periodically. We reserve the right to modify its Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Any changes to the policy will be posted on this page.
Journal Publication Policies and Procedures Journal Topics - Overview of signs, speech and communication: overview of sign, overview of speech, speech aspects, overview of communication and speech act, sense and signification in communication, intention in communication, speech intelligibility; - Types of sign, speech and interactional mechanisms in communication (types of sign: icon, index, symbol; - Types of speech and interactional mechanisms in communication: speech act in everyday communication, mimic and gestures in communication, language for specific purposes, sense and signification in media communication, audio-visual language/pictorial language, language of music/language of dance, speech in institutional area, verbal language in cultural context, languages and communication within the European community; - (Literary) language and social conditioning: ideology and language identity, language influences, morals and literary speech, collective mentality and literary image, (auto)biographic writings, between individual and social, voices, texts, reprezentation); - Language, context, translation: role of context in translation, types of translation; - Language or literature teaching and learning.
Submission of papers Speech and Context is published in two issues. Calendar: Papers for volume 1 should be sent by email to the Editors at the following address: acosciug@yahoo.com, from January 1 till April 1. The journal reviewers consider anonymously the papers from April 2 till May 15 and the authors are informed by email about their decision. Proofs will be sent to the author for correction, and should be returned to the Editors by May 30. Note that all the materials proposed for publication in the journal will be accompanied by declarations signed by the authors to certify they are not plagiarized. This fact will be checked up by the materials reviewers and national and international scientific community. Volume 1 is published in June. Papers for volume 2 should be sent by email to the Editors at the following address: acosciug@yahoo.com, from July 1 till October 1. The journal reviewers consider anonymously the papers from October 2 till November 15 and the authors are informed by email about their decision. Proofs will be sent to the author for correction, and should be returned to the Editors by November 30. Volume 2 is published in December. Details: Do not attach your paper to a message without a personalized letter to the Editor. Please write on the subject line: Paper for Speech and Context. The personalized letter should include: full name, professional title, institutional affiliation, research topic. Authors should supply an autobiography of 50-100 words in English. Submitted papers are sent for external review and are reviewed according to unified criteria (see Journal Materials Evaluation Basic Criteria). Papers accepted for publication must respect the Notes for contributors required by the journal. From December 2016 Speech and Context Journal publishes papers written in English, French or German. Speech and Context can be made available both in print (100 copies for each issue) and online. All the expenses connected with the publication of papers are covered by Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi. Charges connected with the delivery of the volumes are covered by the authors.
Notes for Contributors Papers are edited in Windows, format: B 5, font: Book Antigua, 11, single, justify. Papers Volume: 10 pages (including endnotes and references). The first page contains:
Journal Materials Evaluation Basic Criteria Submitted article should correspond to the journal topics. Paper should be presented in an explicit way in accordance with the topic of research. Research methodology should be modern. Paper should be based on adequate research strategies. Contribution should be based on relevant references. Submitted paper should contribute to the advancement of the research field.
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