ISSN: 1857-4149 |
Speech and Context |
International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science |
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
The Speech and Context International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science (in Romanian: Limbaj şi context - revistă internaţională de lingvistică, semiotică şi ştiinţă literară) follows the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.
DUTIES FOR EDITORS - Fair play and editorial independence Manuscripts submitted for review and publication are evaluated in terms of their academic excellence paying attention to novelty, relevance, originality, practical and theoretical applicability, and its pertinency to the journal’s scope, irrespective of the authors’ religious beliefs, political views, institutional affiliation, race, gender, ethnic origin or citizenship. The Editor-in-Chief selects the articles included in the journal and decides when and how to publish the journal’s content. - Confidentiality Speech and Context Journal Editorial Board recognizes the importance of protecting the information collected from the authors of articles, reviews etc. and takes reasonable steps to maintain the security, integrity and privacy of any information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. By submitting your information to the journal Editorial Board and its website you consent to the practices described herein. We will seek to ensure that any identifiable personal information it collects during the Calls for papers will be adequate, relevant and not excessive for purposes of operating the journal volumes and website, and it will be kept accurate and up-to-date based on information provided. We will protect the author rights, the rights, property or safety of our website and its content. Personal information and any other communications or information supplied to us may be used for internal business and research purposes and to develop our products and our website. Please note that this Privacy Policy will be reviewed periodically. We reserve the right to modify its Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Any changes to the policy will be posted on this page. - Disclosure and conflicts of interest The content of the submitted manuscripts will not be disclosed and may not be used by the editors and the editorial board members for their own research benefits without the authors’ explicit written consent. In case editors come across manuscripts related to their own research purposes, they will ask another member of the editorial board to review the manuscript to avoid misunderstanding and plagiarism. - Publication decisions Two foreign experts in the field will review all submitted manuscripts for publication, subjecting them to double blind peer-review. The Editor-in-Chief decides which of the manuscripts will be published, taking into account the importance of the work under consideration, its connection to the themes of the journal, the reviewers’ comments and copyright infringement. - Involvement and cooperation in investigations All editors will take decisions concerning ethical issues with regard to a submitted manuscript or published paper. They will examine every reported act of unethical publication. Duties of Reviewers - Contribution to editorial decisions Peer review is an essential part of the editors’ work, helping them in making important recommendations and decisions for the journal. Such a collaboration contributes to improving the content of the submitted manuscripts. - Promptness Any invited referee or expert in the field who cannot meet the set deadlines for a review should immediately notify the Editor-in-Chief or other editors and decline the offer to work with a manuscript so that other reviewers can be conntacted. - Confidentiality Submitted manuscripts for consideration are confidential documents and must be treated as such. They must not be publicly discussed with others. This restriction also applies to all reviewers who decline the review offer. - Standards of objectivity All reviews should be impartial; they should write their observations and feedback clearly, explaining and justifying their recommendation to improve the quality of the manuscript. No personal criticism is appropriate. - Acknowledgement of sources The authors of the manuscripts should provide citations for reported ideas, observations, or argumentations. Any invited reviewer should check and identify any resemblance between the manuscript under review and any other well-known published or unpublished paper.
DUTIES OF AUTHORS - Reporting standards While sending their manuscripts for editorial review, authors should provide a detailed explanation of the significance of the written work and the obtained results. The reviewers’ evaluations should be unbiased, scientifically correct and full. The editors’ assessment of potential papers should be explicitly conveyed as such. - Data access and retention As a rule, authors of the manuscripts may be requested to send the processed data of their research for editorial review in addition to the main paper. - Originality and plagiarism Authors should submit exclusively original papers not published anywhere else. They should avoid any form of plagiarism and include proper citation. Plagiarism is considered highly unethical publishing behaviour and is regarded as inadmissible. - Multiple, duplicate, redundant or concurrent submission/publication Manuscripts addressing the same research issues should not be sent to several different journals. Accordingly, submission of a manuscript simultaneously to more journals is considered highly unethical publishing behaviour and is regarded as inadmissible. - Authorship of the manuscript Manuscript authors should follow the authorship criteria: (i) bring a compelling and original contribution to the research issue as whole; and (ii) evaluate the scientifically based content of the work; and (iii) improve the final version of the paper before submitting it for publication; (IV) take public responsibility for the content. Only people who meet the above criteria for authorship should be included as appropriate coauthors of the manuscript under consideration, others, who have had an indirect or marginal contribution to the manuscript, should be listed in the "Acknowledgements" section preceding the reference list, after they have granted their written permission. - Peer review Peer review is an obligatory process, which precedes the publication of the manuscript. Thus, the authors are requested to cooperate with the reviewers, especially, if the latter ask for clarifications, data or copyright permissions. If the authors get a first decision of "revisions necessary", they should take into account all the recommendations and respond to the reviewers’ objections and comments consistently by revising the content of the papers. All corrections should be done until the deadline given by the reviewers’ and the journal’s editors. - Fundamental errors in published works If authors identify important errors or inaccuracies in their published papers, they must immediately announce the editors and cooperate with them to introduce corrections in the article.
DUTIES OF THE PUBLISHER - Handling of unethical publishing behaviour The publisher will ensure not to allow unethical publishing behavior that might result in plagiarism or any other form of fraudulent misconduct to take place. The editors will also seek evidence that ethical harms have been minimized by attempting to amend any such situation and publish an erratum or clarification, or by preventing the publication of such manuscripts. All the authors should comply with the research ethics promoted by the journal. - Access to journal content It is the duty of the editors and the publisher to maintain an open access to the journal digital archive.
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