ISSN: 1857-4149


Speech and Context

International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science

Journal Open Access Statement

Speech and Context Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science (in Romanian Limbaj şi context, revistă internaţională de lingvistică, semiotică şi ştiinţa literară) is committed to real and immediate open access for academic work. All of the articles and reviews from the journal are free to access immediately from the date of publication. There are no author charges (commonly known as APCs) prior to publication, and no charge for any reader to download articles and reviews for their own scholarly use. This journal does not, therefore, operate either a Gold or Green model of open access, but is free to all at any time and in perpetuity. To facilitate this the journal depends upon the financial underwriting provided by Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, the goodwill of its editorial team and advisory board, and the continuing support of its network of peer reviewers. The journal also operates under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY-ND. All authors publishing in this journal accept these terms of publication. Please note that copyright of the content of all articles and reviews remains with the designated author of the article or review. Copyright of the layout and design of the journal articles and reviews remains with the Speech and Context Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science (in Romanian Limbaj şi context, revistă internaţională de lingvistică, semiotică şi ştiinţa literară) and cannot be used in other publications.


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