22.01.2018 12:12 Categorie: Relații internaționale, Avize


Kosovo International Summer Academy Call for Applications 2018:

“Peace building in post-conflict areas – Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotiations”

Program Features:

After the completion of the program, participants are requested to write an essay about their experience in this program, or an article related to Kosovo. The best essay/article will be translated and published in a Kosovo daily newspaper, and two others will be posted in web-page of Kosovo Center of Diplomacy (Opinions section).

Awarded Certificates and ECTS:

  • All participants and attendees who fulfill the requirements during the program will be awarded with certificates from Kosovo Center of Diplomacy and University College “Universum”.
  • Successful students will receive 6 ECTS credits of the course of ‘’War and Peace: Historical actors, structures and processes’’, issued by the University College “Universum” . 

Excursions and Cultural Activities:

  • Tour of the Institutions of Kosovo
  • Field trip to Prizren
  • Field trip to Mitrovica
  • Field trip to Gadime Cave
  • Tour of museums and statues
  • Meetings with high-ranking officials and ambassadors


  • Citizens of all countries in the world are eligible to apply
  • Undergraduate, graduate and post graduate students (who are enrolled or have already completed aforementioned levels of university studies) and young professionals. 
  • Applicants born in 1984 and after
  • You must be in good academic standing

Scholarships awarding criteria:

The following criteria are considered in the admissions process:

1.Submitting your application early

2.Financial need

3.Merit and existing leadership experience

4.Intercultural experience


  • Priority deadline: May 1st, 2018

  • Visa Deadline: May 4th, 2018 (This Deadline applies if you need a visa to enter Kosovo).

  • Final Deadline: June 5th, 2018

Date/Venue: 10-20 July 2018. Prishtina, Kosovo

*Scholarships are awarded on a rolling basis and earlier applications are given priority. 

Please find the link for application here: http://academy-ks.org/?page_id=432.

For further information please visit official website http://academy-ks.org/ or the official Facebook page of Kosovo International Summer Academy:https://www.facebook.com/KosovoInternationalSummerAcademy/