26.09.2017 10:52 Categorie: Avize, Relații internaționale


Scholarships are available for USARB master`s students in Estonia


University of Tartu – the oldest university in Estonia is glad to announce available scholarships for an exchange semester at Narva College, one of the university`s regional units, for Spring semester 2017. 

10 scholarships are available for master`s students of Education, Teacher Training or any similar discipline.


The scholarships are offered to the students from:



The scholarship provides an opportunity to participate in a full 30 ECTS English semester programme Multilingual Education and CLIL Methodology at Narva College. During the semester, the students are introduced with the notion and implementations of multilingual education models and learn to master the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodology, one of the leading teaching methodologies used in contemporary multilingual classrooms. 


Value of the scholarship:

The total scholarship is 2000 Euros, paid to the student in the following way: 800 Euros in the beginning of February, 400 Euros in the beginning of March, April and May.

The scholarships are funded by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Estonian Development Cooperation framework.


Deadline for application:

30 September, 2017

For more information and application, visit the website: http://www.narva.ut.ee/en/semesterscholarships

Feedback from the last year students: http://www.narva.ut.ee/en/studies/student-testimonials

The information is also available in Russian: http://grantist.com/grant/stipendii-dlya-magistrov-pedagogicheskix-specialnostej-na-obuchenie-po-obmenu-v-narvskom-kolledzhe-universiteta-tartu/


With any questions, please, contact:

Ivan Polynin
International Relations Specialist

Narva College of University of Tartu

+372 740 1922