26.04.2016 09:06 Categorie: Avize


Erasmus + Programme

Key Action 1

Academic year 2016-2017

Available Scholarships for Alecu Russo Balti State University 

University Name

University of Granada, Spain

University Web Page


Fields of Study

The Academic Offer with a full list PhD programmes can be found here

Type of mobility

PhD (Doctoral studies)


6 months, fall semester of the academic year 2016-2017

Required documents



1.__CV (Curriculum Vitae)

2.__Copy of candidate’s identity card

3.__Copy of passport (valid for the entire period of the mobility)

4.__Certificate from home university confirming that the candidate is a student at PhD level

5.__Transcript of records issued by the home institution proving that students have successfully passed at least 1 semester of their studies

6.__English Language Certificate

7.__Motivation letter

8.__Pre-admission letter signed by the Programme coordinator at the UGR (please see the attached file for the contact data of the Coordinators). Please see the template at: http://escuelaposgrado.ugr.es/pages/internacional/profesorado/preadmissionletterpartialphd_en

9.__Draft study and work plan drawn in cooperation with the academic supervisors at the home and host universities. It must be signed by the student and the academic supervisors at the home and host universities before the student’s arrival

10._Copy of a Master’s degree or other degree granting access to PhD studies at the home university

11._Other relevant documents (Special awards, etc.)

Application Procedure

The International Relations Office will analyse the Applicant’s dossier and send it to University of Granada, Spain. The applicant will fill an online procedure.

Language Requirements

PhD candidates are expected to demonstrate English proficiency corresponding to at least B2 level of the Common European Language Framework of Reference.

Selection Process

Home university will provide a pre-selection of candidates according to the following criteria:

  1. Draft study and work plan
  2. Language skills
  3. Pre-admission letter
  4. Any other information indicated by the applicant (additional learning experience, specific academic interest, vulnerable socio-economic situation, etc.)

Final selection

Final selection will be done by the International Relations Office, University of Granada.


May 6th, 2016

These documents are to be handed in at the International Relations Office and to be emailed (in PDF format) to: svetlana_melnic@yahoo.com