An interesting meeting of students and masters from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agroecology with the Director of the Research Institute of Plant Protection and Ecological Agriculture doctor habilitate of agricultural sciences Volosciuc Leonid and Research director of the same institute, doctor habilitate of agricultural sciences Todiras Vladimir.
The director and research director of the Research Institute of Plant Protection and Ecological Agriculture have been receptive to the invitation of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agroecology. They have arrived at the Alecu Russo State University in November 23, 2012 in order to meet With students and masterands. Both of Them are working in the field of biological methods of pest and descase control.
Dr. Volosciuc Leonid has explained the man direction for the biological plant protection by elaboration of technologies for production and application of biological preparations with efficient use of strains from bacteria, viruses, actinomicetes, microsporidia and microscopic fungi. The practical aspects of scientific investigations was emphasized. The State Commission has already registered 5 baculoviral, 2 bacterial and 4 fugal preparations for combating pests, phytopathogen agents and nematodes.
Dr. Todiras Vladimir has explained the new concept of precision agriculture and it relevance to effective crop protection, including for biological method of pest and desease control.
The Precision Agriculture includes:
1. Monitoring of crops, soils, climate, noxious organisms etc.
2. GPS-Global Positioning System
3. SGI-system of Geographic information
4. DSS- Decision Support Systems
The author has demonstrated how farmers can access on line all the information regarding the danger of infestation in each day of agricultural crops with pests and diseases and how farmers can use this information in order to reduce the negative influence of noxious organisms.
Students and masterands have had the possibility to as questions and to receive answers, to discuss many issues related to transition to a more sustainable, including ecological agriculture.
Boris Boincean, doctor habilitate of agricultural sciences, research professor