International Students
General information
The higher education system in the Republic of Moldova is structured on 3 levels (according to Bologna Process):
- 1st cycle – Bachelor degree
- 2nd cycle – Master degree
- 3rd cycle – PhD degree
Higher education of the Republic of Moldova is administered by the Ministry of Education (ME).
Bachelor degree programs are organized full-time and part-time. Master degree programs are usually organized full-time. Part-time degree programs require one additional year of study. A Diploma of Bachelor is awarded to the graduates who have defended the final Graduation Thesis. The graduates are awarded the Title of Bachelor in a specific field of study.
Master degree programs finalize with Master Thesis defense. Graduates which have successfully defended the Master Thesis are awarded the Title of Master in the field of study and the chosen specialization and are conferred a Diploma of Master.
Doctoral degree programs are carried out through comprehensive scientific research, professional activity and creative work, with a length of 3 years for full-time studies and 4 years for part-time studies. Doctoral studies finalize by a public presentation of an original Research Thesis, evaluated by an Accredited Scientific Committee. The holder of a doctoral Diploma is awarded the PhD title in a particular field of science or arts.
Academic year
The academic year starts on the 1st of September and lasts up to the end of June (42 weeks), with holiday breaks in January and April/May (depending on Easter holidays).
Each academic year is divided into two equal semesters. Each semester consists of 15 full weeks of classes, followed by the examination session.
An academic year includes two examination sessions and practical trainings (internships).
Grading scale
The grading scale runs from 1 to 10. The minimal passing grade is 5.
The marks have the following meaning:
Recommended ECTS grades:The correlation between the national grading system and the ECTS system can be found on the Ministry of Education web-site (
The total number of ECTS credits per semester is 30Each degree program in Higher Education corresponds to a certain number of transferable credits ECTS.
The total number of ECTS credits per academic year is 60